Full offline MILS analysis for child/adult: €275
MILS measurement with personal instruction
debriefing results and analysis
learning support tool
extensive written report
Online child/adult MILS analysis €250
online digital MILS measurement
debriefing results and analysis
extensive written report
Optionally, parents can also do the MILS themselves in combination with MILS for their children - €60 p/p
Johansen Sound Therapy
First consultation with audiogram, binaural test and dichotic test - €135, then € 75 per consultation (approximately every 8 weeks).
Making individual music CD/file €60
All prices include VAT and exclude travel time and travel expenses.
The MILS inventory can take place in Dutch, English or Russian.
Rates for companies
An individual MILS analysis is available from €395 excluding VAT, including debriefing.
A MILS analysis for teams can be administered from €1295 excluding VAT.
Prices depend on the team size, number of (half) days, desired guidance, location, travel and accommodation costs. Request a free quote.